To say there is a lot going on right now is an understatement.  I don’t think 2020 could be more of a jerk right now.  It’s literally been the opposite of what we all wanted for this year.  But then again maybe it hasn’t. 

The beginning…

This year started off for the first time where I was unemployed.  I was still trying to figure out life and liberty and all that.  My plan was simple…take a break and figure shit out.  Nothing too big, you know…take some time as a sabbatical to travel, work out, eat healthily, find a sensei, eat, pray, and love…all of that.  But then…COVID. 

A stinking pandemic.  Really?  Now I can’t travel.  Therefore, I can’t do ANYTHING because I live in NYC.  Literally the mecca of the lockdown.  Not for nothing, this sabbatical is going to suck.  The plan was to go to Fiji for God’s sake.  As a result, I went to my living room and the rape alley to empty my garbage. 

Now what??

But eventually, it really did become a different kind of sabbatical for me.  I had to sit still, and for those that know me, I don’t ever sit still.  But stillness is what I needed.  I mean I had no idea what was next for me.  What’s the next thing for me?  Do I continue my corporate path?  Or do I lean into the influencer thing?  Do I do a podcast?  Do I open a business?  Most importantly…WHAT DO I DO? 

Boom.  George Floyd is murdered.  Another.  Black.  Person. Murdered.  By.  The.  Police.

 Now what?  I can’t focus on shit.  In other words, all I want to do is fight for us.  However, It’s the same fight of years past but this time…everybody is listening.  Now everyone wants to hear from the one black friend or that black co-worker you have. Meanwhile, I’ve never been happier to not be working during this white enlightenment.  I never would have made it y’all.  I’m too angry because I was saying this all back in 2014 at work and to anyone that would listen.  But my anger and this revolution have focused me.  I think it’s because I’ve been forced to hang out with myself for 3 months and really think about what drives me. 

Look out future, black lives matter

I, now, have big ideas for the future.  First, I’m speaking up for myself and speaking out.  ARREST THE MURDERERS OF BREONNA TAYLOR.  PAY BLACK CREATIVES.  STOP STEALING OUR STUFF.  DEFUND THE NYPD.

Second, here’s what I’ve decided: I can do whatever I want to do.  I can open a business, start a podcast, go the corporate route, and be an influencer because that’s what I want to do.  Therefore…while 2020 is a jerk for a whole slew of stuff, it’s been pretty good for me and figuring out my next steps. 

Who else has a new drive to do something they’ve been meaning to do?