Here’s the thing everyone’s got a blog these days.  So I thought why not me too?  Let me get in on this! I’m kidding that’s not why.  I kind of dig writing, and a blog gives me an opportunity to share information, stories, and much more.  If you are looking for a blog that will only focus on fashion for the apple shape, then you are only halfway in the right place.  Or wrong place.  Hmmm…that got confusing.  Yes I’m going to be sharing tips and suggestions for being an apple shape but I’m also going to share other things that interest me from music, to fitness to shenanigans to recipes to who knows?  But that’s who I am.  I’m a person who has many different experiences, circles, and stories to share.

For those that remember my blog from a few years ago, I struggled for a while on what I wanted it to focus on…natural hair, losing weight. Finance…the list went on and on.  I went back to my older posts and was reminded of what makes me follow blogs and people is about those people being authentic, passionate, and real about everything they post about.

That’s me!  That’s how I can be relevant.  I’m real and passionate and not about ONE thing but about a whole slew of things!  It’s what makes me…Gena P!  So why can’t that be my schtick?  Why can’t I just blog about what I FEEL like blogging about?  I think that’s good for a start here.  Do you agree?  Feel free to add anything you want me to write about in the comments!